LFE has a number of purpose built single units where participants enjoy the benefits of Supported Independent Living (SIL). Residents are supported and trained in daily living activities to improve their independence.
Vacancies in these units occur from time to time. Should you or a family member be considering this option, please feel free to contact us via the ‘contact’ page.
LFE has a Life Option centres in Young where we offer choices specifically designed to develop an individual’s full potential tailored around NDIS Goals and aspirations in a safe and secure environment.
People attending these centres will be guided by a friendly and professional team to:
- Develop and maintain life skills and increase their independence base on individuals’ capacity
- Participate in meaningful leisure, recreational, social and cultural activities
- Be included in the local community
- Contribute valuably and actively to the community
- Expand friendships and support networks
- Access cultural and linguistic pastimes and events relevant to their background